
The Minneapolis United Methodist Church fulfills its commitment to Christ through different avenues of service.


Our congregation’s work extends far beyond our own community.  We provide resources that enable missions within our neighborhoods, state, nation, and the world.  Through out the year we hold a Valentine’s Day meal, Cookie Walks, Silent Auctions, Garage Sales and a Ties & Tiaras Dance.  The funds from these events sent fifteen kids to church camp, provided scholarships, and funded a Water Well Project in Zimbabwe.

Healthy Congregation

The funds provided are used for one or more of four areas of health:  Physical, Mental/Emotional, Social and Spiritual.  Each spring we submit our outcomes, including successes and failures, to the United Health Ministry.  If and when everything is approved, we receive $1000 for the coming year.

Over the past year we have provided healthy food/snacks for FCA dinners, healthy foods for two “Snack and Chats” following worship service, and fresh fruit for the Outdoor Worship service at the lake.  Money was given for church camp assistance, and a speaker was sponsored for the UMW Salad Supper who spoke on women’s health.

New projects include the purchase of an AED (Automated External Defibrillator).


Confirmation class for the sixth graders and above is another dimension of our making disciples.  A class will be available each February for anyone wishing to join the church.  


Our efforts are to have a complete educational program available on Sunday morning.  Sunday school teachers have developed a curriculum that excites and entices our youth to come to church and Sunday School and with their Bibles!  Our youth are involved in all aspects of church life–there is no part of our church where the youth are not integral participants. 

A Fall Round-up takes place in September and is a time of rejoicing, sending off balloons, and eating a prepared free meal of BBQ and side dishes.  Third graders are presented with Bibles and church school resumes for youth.  Youth Sunday School takes place during worship when children are dismissed to the classrooms following the children’s time.  Bible based lessons are studied.

Vacation Bible School  is held during the summer school break.  A three day evening program is  usually held during July.

The adult  Sunday School class meets at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings. 


Worship is central to our Mission.  From youth involvement to special services, the worship committee strives to make each Sunday service meaningful.  The formation of a praise band that leads a contemporary worship service on the second and third Sunday of the month, bell choir performance once a month, and opportunities for youth musical performances enhance each service.

Lent and Easter services, Outdoor Worship, Children’s Sabbath and Advent, Hanging of the Greens and Christmas Eve round out a year of meaningful worship.

Communion is usually held on the first Sunday of the month.


If there is a reason, or one can be dreamed up, there will be a time of fellowship with food as a part of it.  These folk know how it is done!  You should hear the hubbub.

On the second Sunday of each month, a  potluck is held where we all share together the favorite, and sometimes easiest, dish in the recipe book or box. The fellowship members divide up hosting responsibilities to each church committee.   Also, there are Sunday morning times for special receptions or recognition. 

At least three times a year the committee feeds approximately eighty students an evening meal  at the MJSHS FCA meeting.

A Crock Pot project allowed the church to furnish prepared meal kits for twenty-eight families.  A school supplies drive for the local elementary was fully funded by congregational donations.  The committee is also researching and exploring a free summer lunch program for implementation in 2019.

Milestone birthdays, graduations and other special days of the year are also celebrated by this committee.

Friendship baskets for visitors and hospital patients are made available for use.


God has blessed our church in this manner as well.  It is a very good feeling to wind up the year in the black, with reserves, and all debts paid including our apportionment to the Kansas West Conference called Mission and Ministry Fund.  Our leadership is skilled, approaching their stewardship responsibility with a very positive attitude.  Indeed, we are blessed with their administration and the results.


Our Church Foundation is currently being managed by the Conference and donations are always welcomed.

 Summer Cafe

The Ottawa County Community sponsors free summer lunches to all children ages 1 – 18, Monday through Friday, beginning the first week of June until school starts in August.  The Summer Cafe is served at our church.  Local churches agree to cook and serve meals throughout the summer.  The Minneapolis United Methodist congregation choose Monday as their serving day and needs volunteers to keep this mission successful.